Sunday, February 14, 2016

Aunt Frances Remembers...

As Spring seems to be getting closer--after all Punxsatawney Phil predicted an early Spring and he cannot be wrong--I am thinking about what to plant this year.  We started small last year with a few flowers and shrubs and I hope to fill in more every year.  I turned to Aunt Frances's remembrances of what was grow here by the Markward family for inspiration.
Here is what Frances writes about the flowers at the Manor:
My father loved flowers and we had lots of them, particularly roses. We had an underground water system for them. In the yard we had yellow jasmine, bridle wreath, althea lilac (Rose of Sharon), plumbago, purple and white violets, honeysuckle, red cypress vines, and several large cedars and oaks. In huge half barrels we had oleanders—white, pink and red—and a brugmansia which had large white trumpet-shaped flowers that were very fragrant. I have seen as many as forty flowers on a plant at one time! We kept these flowers in the hall every winter to keep them from freezing. I used to hunt for an excuse to stay at home from school when the day arrived to put the geraniums and other potted plants in the pit for winter. The pit had glass doors and heavy wooden doors on top of them. Mrs. Williams, who lived nearby, always came and repotted them for us. I'll never forget the lovely old-fashioned flowers she had growing around her tiny home.
I really wish we still had the underground watering system!  I already have a pair of Bridal Wreath Spirea growing next to the front gate, but I think I will add some Althea (Rose of Sharon) in honor of both the Markwards and my own father-in-law, who loved them and used to give me starts.  I wish he were here to help me make some good plant choices now.  My Papa used to always have Cypress vines and he gave me seeds, so I will be starting those, too.  One thing I have planted that seems to be very happy is Lavender.  The soil and water conditions seem to be very good here in Central Texas for Lavender and Rosemary.  It is also time to get out that Rose catalog and choose a couple of antique roses.  I love old roses, and now I have the perfect excuse--they will help me to create the same atmosphere here at the Manor as existed when it was first built.

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